Biotics Research Corp
Immuno-gG (Healthy Gut and Immune Support) 100 caps
Immuno-gG from Biotics Research Corp.
Immuno-gG® supplies a supplemental source of immunoglobulin G from Bovine Colostrum. It is fortified with the amino acids L-Lysine and L-Arginine. As a source of colostrum, it provides support for healthy immune function.
Colostrum supplies proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and proteins (antibodies) that support the immune system. The antibody levels in colostrums can be 100 times higher than that present in regular cow's milk.
Bovine colostrum may also be beneficial for boosting the immune system, healing injuries, repairing nervous system damage, for improving mood, and for facilitating a sense of well being.
This product is gluten free!