Aloe Bitters - Cape Aloe FIBRE Bitter (Constipation support) 90 Vcaps
Aloe Bitters - Cape Aloe FIBRE Bitter (Constipation support) 90 Vcaps
Aloe Ferox, South Africa

Aloe Bitters - Cape Aloe FIBRE Bitter (Constipation support) 90 Vcaps

Aloe Ferox Bitters - Cape Aloe Fibre Bitter Caps from South Africa

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Cape Aloe Fibre Bitter capsules are produced from dried and powdered Cape Aloe leaf and yellow-brown bitter sap. This product was designed as a more consumer-friendly alternative to the bitter crystals - which some find difficult to ingest.

Start with one capsule and maintain dose for 1 – 4 days, gradually increase the dose, giving your body time to adjust between doses. Take caution not to increase the dosage too rapidly which may lead to cramping and/or diarrhea. 

Laxative: Take 1-3 capsules in the evening in a single dose. Use the smallest dose necessary to maintain a soft stool.
Other uses: Take 1 capsule daily with meals.

For the best outcomes, take the capsules with sufficient water and continue liquid intake of up to 8 glasses of water per day. 

                 HAND PICKED HEALTH

Wild-harvest ingredients • Micro-production • Preservation of indigenous knowledge

Along the coast of southern Africa, a small tribe of indigenous folk have been harvesting the herbs of the area to use as medicinal remedies for over 300 years. We have spent the last 25 years learning about their unique wild- harvesting craft and effective remedies. That is what we would like to share with you. This craft of picking the herbs by hand promotes the sustainability of the plants and their natural environment. It also ensures the purest, wild-harvest quality of herbal ingredients that promote the body's natural self-healing properties.

The local wild-harvesting folk sustain their communities by trading the herbs with the local manufacturers, as they have done for many years. They are true artisans and entrepreneurs of herbal extraction. We have formed a unique relationship with the folk to manufacture products that are formulated with these wild-harvested herbs. Our production runs in micro-batches and we focus on extracting the whole properties of the herbs that promote the body's natural toxin removal and antioxidant processes.

Our aim is to capture the essence of traditional herbal medicine that has proven to be effective remedies of general health for hundreds of years. We are also very passionate to support and help to sustain the livelihood of the local wild-harvesting folk.

SAFETYNot suitable for nursing mothers and pregnant women. Taking more than the advised quantity may lead to serious cramping and diarrhoea. Never substitute a healthy diet for long-term laxative use. Do not use Aloe Ferox bitters in cases of intestinal obstruction, acute inflamed intestinal disease (e.g. Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colon inflammation), appendicitis, abdominal pain of unknown origin, pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Caution:  Regular use of this product may cause Melanosis coli which is darkening of the colon.  Melanosis coli is a harmless condition in which the lining of the colon and rectum, which is usually pink in color, turns a shade of black or brown. The discoloration can vary from one person to the next. It may be slight or severe, and affect a small or large portion of the colon.

Melanosis coli produces no symptoms, nor does it cause any bowel or digestive issues. A person who has this discoloration may never know it.

Melanosis coli treatment: There is no treatment for melanosis coli. According to research by AMA, it’s generally reversible within 6 to 12 months after a person stops using anthraquinone-containing laxatives.

Aloe Whole-leaf, Aloe Bitters
, Vegetable capsules

Cape Aloe Fibre Bitter capsules contain dried bitter sap and dried, powdered whole aloe leaf. Fiber rich leaves contain a vast amount of nutrients and medicinal properties that support the general well being of the body.

Cape Aloe Ferox Bitters  is traditionally used for the beneficial effect it has on: 

  • Constipation
  • Eczema
  • Pain from arthritis
  • High blood pressure

Cape Aloe Fibre Bitters contain plant chemicals that are: 

  • Bacteria, virus and parasite unfriendly
  • Help to diminish pain
  • Help to detoxify and support disinfection
  • Favor an anti-inflammatory action
  • Help to prevent constipation

It is clinically proven that the use of anthranoid laxatives (such as Cape Aloe Fibre Bitters), even in the long term, DO NOT CAUSE CANCER (ref. Department of Medicine, Univ of Erlangen, Germany; Journal: Gut; May 2000; vol 46(5): p 651-5) 



250 mg Aloe ferox fibre (wholemeal)
150 mg Aloe ferox bitter powder
0 mg of pharmaceutical additives


This product is intended as a bowel stimulant and to provide the general nutritional benefits offered by the properties of the Cape Aloe leaf.




Safety: Do not use Cape Aloe Fibre Bitters in cases of intestinal obstruction, acute inflamed intestinal disease (e.g. Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colon inflammation), appendicitis, abdominal pain of unknown origin, pregnancy and breastfeeding. 

When used in conjunction with medication, it may be necessary to adjust the medication. Speak to your health care professional before taking this product in conjunction with other medication.

Disclaimer: Please note that our statements about the healing properties of aloe ferox are not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or  prevent any disease.

For your best health, in the case of recurring and long-term illness, you should consult your doctor. You should also consult your doctor before using herbal remedies if you have an existing health condition, are pregnant or are planning to have a baby. No studies have been concluded on internal use of aloe in children.

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